Perth great-grandmother, 93, saved by personal safety alarm during terrifying home invasion

Ms Simpson awoke to find the two boys ransacking her property. (9News)

By Tegan Sapwell • Reporter

A Perth great-grandmother has used a personal safety alarm to call for help during a terrifying home invasion.

Jean Simpson was alone in her home when she woke to find a stranger in her bedroom rummaging through her drawer last month.

Two boys had broken into her house and began ransacking the rooms while she slept.

“I said, ‘What are you doing here?’, and he got such a fright,” she told 9News.

But the 93-year-old great-grandmother kept her wits about her and made a run for it.

“I thought what if they come and bash me up? I’m getting out of here. So I went out the front door,” she said.

One of the intruders pushed her against a wall as they ran past her, injuring her hand.

Bleeding, Jean Simpson then went inside and used a personal alarm to call for help.

Operators in a call centre for not-for-profit aged care service, Silver Chain, kept her on the line while they called police.

“A minute by yourself can feel like hours if you’ve had a fall or you’re having palpitations or if there is somebody in the house,” Kiah Lee, from Silver Chain, said.

“If you have somebody there – even if it is just a voice – it makes you feel like you’re not alone.”

About 4000 West Australians and 7000 around the country have a personal alarm. Silver Chain says it receives 400 emergency calls a month.

Jean Simpson said the attack hasn’t put her off living alone, because she knows help is there if she needs it. But she’s urging other seniors to consider getting an alarm.

© Nine Digital Pty Ltd 2019

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